Monday, September 19, 2011

"Encouragement" by Don Wharton

"Encouragement" by Don Wharton

I'm often caught in this Grown-ups dilemma;
Torn between two ways to go.
Wishing I could give you all the answers
but knowing you should find them on your own.

Life is beautiful
And life is good,
But life will never, never be easy
Like we sometimes wish it could.

But I believe we were all meant to succeed.
I believe we were all born to win.
 You might stand alone at the top of the vict'ry stand,
But you get there with the love and support
of your friends.

It takes a pat on the back.
It takes a hand to hold.
It takes some words of hope
 That touch your heart and soul.

It takes encouragement.
 That fragile bridge between your dreams and accomplishment.
Surround yourself in this human experiment
With those who proudly wear the badge of encouragement.

I wish I could have posted a video of Don Wharton singing this song so you could have heard the music to go with the words. This song by Don Wharton has meant so much to me ever since I was quite young. Every time I hear it now it reminds me of what my purpose is as a parent, to guide and encourage my children.
Don Wharton is a Christian singer and songwriter who I feel really understands the true meaning of life. His music is very inspiring and uplifting to me. This song came originally from the "Encouragement" CD and was later changed very slightly to be put on his children's CD called "Camp Encouragement." Unfortunately, the Camp Encouragement version is no longer available but his original Encouragement CD still is. If you are interested in finding out more about Don, visit this link: Don Wharton Music.

Have a great week everyone!


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